Prevention, early intervention & access to resources to promote mental wellness throughout our community
Don’t carry it alone. WE’VE GOT YOU.
The Stamford Youth Mental Health Alliance is a city-wide network of 35+ organizations working together to improve access to mental health services for children and adolescents. Our goal is to build a greater understanding of the importance of youth mental wellness, ensure care is accessible and inclusive, and facilitate a comprehensive system of intervention and support for families across our community. Learn more about Stamford Youth Mental Health Alliance.
We say, Don’t carry it alone, We’ve got you, to remind kids and parents that you’re not alone, our community cares about you, and it’s ok to ask for help.
Download our Youth Mental Health Resource Guide, a listing of organizations and services that support the mental health of children and adolescents in Stamford, Connecticut.
Download the YMHA Resource Guide:

Mayor Caroline Simmons
“For too long, mental health concerns have been associated with stigma and dismissed as ‘someone else’s problem,’ until it happens to you or someone in your family.
I am thrilled that through the Youth Mental Health Alliance, our essential human service providers have rolled up their sleeves to identify best practices and trauma-informed strategies that will improve the mental wellness of our community. This evidence-based approach will help build greater understanding of the importance of youth mental wellness and facilitate a comprehensive system of intervention and support.”